“It’s no secret that to get the best results out of any project, the design process must be a smooth and enjoyable one. That is why we at Studio SGB work very closely with our clients to understand how they would like to work and ensure that we deliver what they are after…” ‘Ensure that we deliver what they are after…’- that’s an interesting promise when considered in the light of Suffolk Action for Wildlife, South Suffolk Hunt Sabs and other groups finding the Essex & Suffolk Hunt meeting at Ravens Hall, which is the contact address listed by Sophie Grattan-Bellew (hyphenated) on her website, the address of a planning application for conversion of a stable block into office space (presumably the StudioSGB referenced on the businesses’ website) made in Ms Grattan-Bellew’s name, and the address listed on Companies House for Grattan-Bellew. The Essex and Suffolk are regulars in Protect the Wild’s news articles as the links below show and not a ‘group’ many people would consider enabling…
Sophie Grattan Bellew Interiors (Suffolk)
Links to further information
- Suffolk Action For Wildlife Public Page: Ravens Hall, Lindsey host Gratten-Bellew – Interior design. (Facebook, November 2024)
- Protect the Wild: CONVICTED! Terrierman guilty after terrorising monitors on quad bike (June 2024)
- Protect the Wild: Essex and Suffolk Hunt staff arrested for killing fox (January 2024)
- Protect the Wild: Hunt kills deer and uses ‘falconry exemption’ to hunt illegally (October 2023)
- Protect the Wild: Yet another pet seriously injured by hunting hounds (August 2023)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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