Like to tell us about a business supporting hunting or shooting? Please read our About page before submitting the form.
- If you know a business that supports hunting with dogs or shooting birds or mammals and is not yet listed please tell us. NB: Please attach images or videos, links to media etc, as ‘supporting evidence’.
- If you can supply a copyright-free image of any listed business for us to use, please send using this form.
- If you are an owner of a listed business that no longer supports hunting with dogs or shooting birds or mammals please let us know.
- If you have any questions about our About page and FAQs may have the answer. If not, please use this form to make an enquiry.
Protect the Wild will never share your details with anyone and we will not use them for any purpose other than to get back to you. We’re a small team so please give us a few days to respond.