‘Pest control’ business Eraserpest (part of an ecologically contentious industry) covers Cambridgeshire, Essex and Suffolk. Understandably nobody wants bed bugs in their home, but ‘wasps’ for example are important members of the ecosystem and no one (surely?) still believes that ‘bees’ (all 270 UK species!) belong on a ‘pest control’ website (or like Eraserpest would write the wholly incorrect statement “Bees are very social, with only a few species such as honey and bumble bees being solitary” when the reverse is true and around 90% of UK bee species are classed as solitary bees)? But Eraserpest – who have a page devoted to ‘squirrels’ that describes Red Squirrels but doesn’t mention anything about the legislation that protects them – are good at generalities and not so good on the specifics (the use of an image of a Mother of Pearl moth – whose larvae feed on nettles – on a page about ‘clothes moths’ demonstrates that). Such inaccuracies are irritating (but not uncommon for the ‘pest control industry’) but what has caused this particular company to be highlighted by numerous visitors to bloodbusiness.info is the fact that its Director, James Tennent, appears to be a supporter of the notorious Thurlow Hunt. It’s hard to explain the video taken by North London Hunt Sabs in any other way, frankly, and the aggression shown by Mr Tennent is not the typical actions of an ‘ordinary bystander’ who finds himself inadvertently caught up in a hunt as he seems to claim…
Eraserpest (Suffolk)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you). Screenshot North London Hunt Saboteurs.
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