Location: Corbridge, Northumberland, NE43 7UB

Business type: Retailer

Business website: www.brocksbushes.co.uk/

Date listed: August 14, 2024

Brocksbushes Farm Shop, Tea Room and Pick Your Own lies in the heart of the Tyne Valley and the “family-run business has been owned by the Dickinson family since 1979”. Founder Caroline Dickinson has stepped back from the business recently, giving her time, perhaps, to focus on her decades-long involvement with the Tynedale Hunt. Back in 2020 a Horse & Hound article quoted Richard Tayacke (then Chairman of the Association of Masters of Harriers and Beagles (AMHB), Hunting Office Executive Director and former Master and Huntsman of the Wynnstay Hunt and recorded in the notorious ‘smokescreen webinars’) recalling “the recent hard-riding fields in both the Tynedale and Wynnstay countries. In Northumberland he had the good fortune of a top-class field master, Caroline Dickinson, who led the field on every day’s hunting.” Which perhaps explains the advertising on the Tynedale Hunt website…


Information provided by North East Hunt Monitors (thank you)

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