Location: Skipton , North Yorkshire, BD23 6EX

Business type: Venue

Business website: boltonabbey.com

Date listed: August 3, 2024

Bolton Abbey, situated in the North Pennine Moors Special Protection Area, is owned by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire who are based at Derbyshire’s Chatsworth House. Its website says it is “committed to enhancing our environment”. How that is compatible with a huge grouse shoot which “cover 13,500 acres of heather, made up of Barden West Moor and Barden East Moor” and where “50 lines of traditional stone grouse butts ensure that high quality driven birds can be presented in all conditions” isn’t explained. The Estate hit the headlines in 2021 when a fell runner found dead cats and foxes in snares on the Estate, which the Estate claimed were laid legally to ‘control predators’.


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