Please consider a recurring donation to Protect the Wild

Whilst we are grateful for all donations, monthly donations give us consistency and helps us to plan ahead and an organisation we don’t have to spend as much time pursuing new donors each year. Ultimately, it helps us save time and money. In addition, when you set up a monthly gift you will remain connected with us so we can continue to show you the impact your donation is having.


…could help fund our campaigning efforts through creating hard-hitting animations and working with legal firms to propose legislative change.


…could help fund our team of writers to produce journalism on wildlife matters and support the work that goes into maintaining and updating incredible projects like


…could help fund equipment for the heroic activists and animal rescues working as a last line of protection for British wildlife.

Other ways you can support Protect the Wild

You can donate to us via cheque

Simply make it out to Protect the Wild LTD

Adopt an Animal


Leave a Legacy

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