Location: Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10Β 1NA

Business type: Venue

Business website: www.hintonstmaryestate.com/

Date listed: September 3, 2024

A ‘private wedding venue’, ‘gardens’, and ‘holiday accommodation’ the Hinton St Mary Estate is in “an idyllic Dorset Village. Escape to the Countryside. Get away from it all, leave behind the crowds. Enjoy open spaces & clean air.” The notorious and violent Blackmore and Sparkford Vale Hunt certainly seem to have taken up the offer of ‘open spaces’ with relish as they have been recorded on the Hinton St Mary Estate a number of times: North Dorset Hunt Sabs recorded blatant hunting near Cutt Mill in October 2002, and the attached image (sent to us by a supporter) was taken at Cutt Mill in 2023.


Information and image provided by a supporter (thank you)

Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.

Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.