“We are the UK’s leading luxury Sporting Agency, specialising in arranging Driven and Walked-up Grouse, Pheasant and Partridge Shooting. We have exclusive access to the country’s finest and most prolific shoots.” Etc etc. Hyperbole after hyperbole…Operated by Mark Osborne, William Powell is one of the most well-known (or infamous) ‘sporting’ agencies in the UK. Mr Osborne is noted for a somewhat litigious nature, but Raptor Persecution UK cleverly put it this way in 2017: “He is feted within the grouse-shooting industry for his ability to turn a ‘poorly performing’ grouse moor in to “something beyond the moor owner’s wildest dreams…Some of you may be more familiar with the names of some of the grouse-shooting estates where Mr Osborne was a shooting tenant (e.g. Leadhills [Hopetoun] Estate in South Lanarkshire), or whose management has been under the control of one of Mr Osborne’s sporting agencies… e.g. Glenogil Estate in the Angus Glens, Raeshaw Estate in the Scottish Borders, Snilesworth Estate in the North York Moors National Park, Park Hall & Hope Woodland in the Peak District National Park [the one where the National Trust pulled the shooting tenant’s lease after an armed man was filmed next to a decoy Hen Harrier).” To reinforce how far removed from ‘two men and a dog’ the mass slaughter of grouse has become, William Powell offers ‘Airport Collection’ saying “Our agents are willing to go that extra mile so whether it be that your planes [sic] lands at 23:00 or 04:30 we will have someone there to greet you and take you either to your hotel or deliver you to the shoot in time for the drawing of pegs.” Killing birds really is now a door-to-door service with no requirements beyond having a very healthy bank account…
William Powell Sporting (Oxon)
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