Location: Oxford , Oxfordshire , OX5 1QX

Business type: Services

Business website: volareaviation.gg/

Date listed: August 6, 2024

Volare Aviation is “a unique concept in private aviation, delivering a fully-managed solution which controls all elements of investing in and owning a private jet or helicopter.” The shooting industry has moved way past the (supposedly ‘genteel’) image sold to the public of a few people walking around a field putting holes into one or two Wood Pigeons and into the world of bankers flying in and out estates in helicopters for £5k weekends to shoot hundreds of birds. A Game Fair sponsor, Volare Aviation presumably know its target audience well…The Game Fair, organised by Stable Events, is sold as “An annual gathering for people passionate about countryside pursuits” but – as its name implies – looks more like a celebration of killing wildlife.


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