Location: Trelowarren, Cornwall,  TR12 6AF

Business type: Landowner

Business website: trelowarren.com/

Date listed: July 19, 2024

Situated on The Lizard, Trelowarren Estate rents out “luxury self-catering cottages on a 1000-acre estate with modern dining and a spa in a walled garden”. Their rather quaint website states that “Trelowarren is living history, not corporate heritage. We want to maintain a traditional working estate that people can share with us.” That ‘sharing’ is extended to the Cury Hunt (and has been for decades), as sabs groups including Kernow Hunt Sabs and West Cornwall Hunt Sabs regularly testify. Estate owner and host of the Hunt is “dedicated environmentalist Sir Ferrers Vyvyan, Deputy Lieutenant of Cornwall” – a Trustee of the Eden Project…go figure.

Links to further information


Image courtesy of West Cornwall Hunt Sabs

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Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.