“Located in the beautiful and ancient village of Chaddesley Corbett set in the heart of the Worcestershire countryside…it has been a popular destination for the locals, tourists, cyclists, hikers and families who have enjoyed the friendly and welcoming atmosphere for centuries.” Odd that little list doesn’t include ‘fox hunts’, as AAF Midlands found the Albrighton and Woodland Hunt meeting there – again – on New Year’s Day 2025, stating correctly that the hunt was one of many to have been issued with a Community Protection Warning in 2024. (Note there is another Swan Inn in Worcs: that one is in Broadway and it hosted the North Cotswold Hunt whose kennels are in the village.)
The Swan Inn (Kidderminster, Worcs)
Links to further information
- AAF Midlands: Today The Albrighton and Woodland Hunt have met at the Swan Inn, Chaddesley Corbett (Facebook, January 2025)
- Protect the Wild: Albrighton & Woodland Hunt issued with Community Protection Warning (August 2024)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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