“The Royal Arms in Sutton Cheney, Leicestershire, is a place that surpasses any traditional definition. Established in 2003, our bar, restaurant and hotel is the perfect spot to come for breakfast, lunch or dinner, or for any celebration event.” ‘Surpasses any traditional definition’? Of what? Who knows, but what is clear is that (as reported by Action Against Foxhunting Midlands) the notorious Quorn Hunt met at the Royal Arms in October 2024 before a spot of ‘cubbing’ – a very traditional (and illegal for two decades) form of fox hunting where hunts train their hounds on young, inexperienced foxes before letting them loose on the ‘real thing’ for the rest of the hunting season…
The Royal Arms (Leics)
Links to further information
- AAF Midlands: This morning the Quorn Hunt met at The Royal Arms in Sutton Cheyney. (Facebook, October 2024)
Information provided by a supporter, image credit AAF Midlands (thank you)
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