Located on the Belvoir Estate, “The Manners Arms is a luxury AA 4 Star country restaurant with rooms claiming pride of place in the heart of The Vale of Belvoir. Formerly a hunting lodge, built for the 6th Duke of Rutland…” Closed since 2021 for refurbishment, in November 2023, The Manners Arms reopened “to a limited degree, with very select opening hours.” That pompous sentence perhaps reflects the personality of the venue’s proprietors: the Manners Arms is owned by Emma Manners, wife of the current Duke of Rutland, David Manners. A pet project for the Duchess when she is not out with the Belvoir Hunt (aka the Duke of Rutland’s Hounds), which is kenneled at Belvoir Castle which is owned by – the Rutlands. Thrilling updates on how the hotel is developing can be found on the Duchess’ Instagram account which also has lots of thrilling photos of people with guns walking across grouse moors – Rutland owns the notorious Moscar Estate (which annually sends clouds of smoke into Sheffield) and the Manners Arms is billed on Guns On Pegs as being just five minutes from the Belvoir Shoot and ‘boasts’ “regular shooting parties coming and going”. No, not really thrilling at all, that was irony…
The Manners Arms (Leics)
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