A “Luxury wedding and events venue”, Sorn Castle is “steeped in history and tradition.” Under banner images of luxury wedding cars and brides in white gowns, Sorn says it is “Available for exclusive hire, weddings, corporate retreats, private parties and sporting pursuits…” Sporting pursuits? Not another venue that positions itself as a place of happiness and love but also flogs the local wildlife to tourists with guns, surely? Of course. This is ‘bonny Scotland’ where killing the birds and mammals is sold as being little different to playing golf. Under ‘Country Pursuits’ is not cycling, hiking, or ‘Munro-bagging’, but shooting dead pheasants and partridges, neither species native birds, and reared solely for the gun. The usual breathless hyperbole follows: “The Cleuch is the most prolific drive in the armory of a fine day out amongst friends and family of Sorn. The ancient dell provides a quiet space to contemplate the anticipation and excitement before a rush of birds distract, flying at speed from one side to the other.” The ones that survive long enough to make it to the other of the dell, that is…
Sorn Castle (Ayrs)
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