Location: Kirkcudbright, Dumfries & Galloway, DG6 4JG

Business type: Venue

Business website: www.selkirkarmshotel.co.uk/

Date listed: October 14, 2024

“Enjoy our food and wine, cosy up with a book and a dram, feel our commitment to making your stay a great experience”. So writes the Proprietor of the Selkirk Arms on the hotel’s homepage. That statement sits alongside a Dorothy L Sayers quotation: “If one lives in Galloway, one either fishes or paints. ‘Either’ is perhaps misleading, for most of the painters are fishers in their spare time.” The region and the Selkirk Arms has so much to offer “Whether you’re a keen golfer, enjoy walking, want to explore our region, fancy taking on the 7 Stanes mountain bike trails, enjoy secluded beaches, fancy a night in the Dark Sky park stargazing or simply wish to relax there is an endless choice” so why the Hell does every hotel in Scotland – including this one – have to also chuck in the ‘opportunity’ to kill the local wildlife? Under the shameful term ‘Shooting breaks‘ visitors are told they can relax while putting holes into pheasants and partridges (neither native to Scotland of course). The Hotel will even give shooters a discount if they stay more than one night. Visitors not wishing to kill anything can ask for the same money off, presumably…


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