Launched in October 2023, Scribehound immodestly promotes itself by suggesting potential readers “experience the unfiltered brilliance of 30 of the best countryside writers through access to their exclusive monthly columns” and says its Instagram feed is “the internet’s country pub”- if the pub was full of blowhards like former editors of ‘countrysports’ magazines, landowners moaning about the public not understanding the ‘country way’, and pro-shoot former sportspeople (like David Gower). Scribehound says it is “a platform for creators who share a passion for the country lifestyle”, a lifestyle that seems to involve killing wildlife and sticking it to the ‘antis’. It’s only current channel is ‘counrtyside’ (sic) with more promised. Scribehound is owned by iTap whose CEO is Chris Horne the co-founder of shooting website GunsOnPegs.
Scribehound (Online)
Information sourced by Protect the Wild
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