Location: Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 8AX

Business type: Services

Business website: www.sawyerfencing.com/

Date listed: October 4, 2024

“Sawyer Fencing are based in mid Cheshire…Coming from an agricultural background we understand the needs of our customers…We have provided services for many leading equestrian establishments and country estates.” The business website and Facebook pages of Sawyer Fencing feature wide open fields – not something we might normally mention but Simon Sawyer, the owner of Sawyer Fencing, is very fond of fields like this as he has been chasing hares across them for many years! As Cheshire Animal Rights Campaign (CARC) detailed in a September 2024 Facebook post, Mr Sawyer (aka Simon Pie-Man) “was part of the Cheshire Beagles hare hunt “take over” campaign a couple of years ago. Leaked internal emails showed the hunt were struggling and wanted to fold. Along with Simon Sawyer, Nick Mapp, the “naked judge” Mark Davies and the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire wanted to take over the Cheshire Beagles and “rescue” the struggling, illegal hare hunt.” They were successful and Mr Sawyer has been seen parading the hare-hunting beagles at local events recently. Oddly none of this is mentioned on the Sawyer fencing sites. Perhaps Mr Sawyer wants to keep those links quiet…given that most of the country loves hares and abhors hare hunting…

Links to further information

  • Cheshire Animal Rights Campaigns: Simon Pie-Man (Facebook September 2024)


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