Location: Saltby, Leicestershire, LE14 4QR

Business type: Venue

Business website: www.saltby.com/sporting/

Date listed: September 6, 2024

Part of the Great Oakley Estate, whose owner says (with the sort of Patek Philippe-style airy nonsense that only the extremely wealthy owner will ever have the opportunity to spout) “you never actually own an Estate, you merely look after it for the next generation”. The Estate is proud of its social, educational, and ‘green’ initiatives, which (in our opinion at least) are undermined by the Saltby Estate which is part of the larger Oakley. Saltby supports both hunting with hounds and shooting birds. Under ‘Sporting‘ Saltby says (rather bafflingly) that “Over the years, Saltby has been developed into a wild-bird shoot, with considerable success. No pheasants or Partridge are reared” which is followed almost immediately below by a photo of a pre-teen firing a shotgun and another photo of a dead pheasant hanging limply from the jaws of a labrador. Maybe the estate thinks the pheasants are migrants…? Under another section titled ‘Hunting’, the page says “The Belvoir Hunt covers a large territory which includes the Saltby Estate, which they hunt over within the law under strict guidelines [sic]. The Estate hosts a meet at Bescaby House once a year.”


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