Location: Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 8NJ

Business type: Venue

Business website: retreatelcotpark.com/

Date listed: July 12, 2024

According to a Dec 2023 puff-piece on ‘The Best UK Hotels for Sporting Pursuits’ in the Evening Standard, the Retreat “has collaborated with the local shoots at Tidgrove, Sutton Estate and Rookes Nest for a top-tier day of shooting pheasants in the Kennet Valley. Transport and mid-drive tipples are sorted, along with picnics (on request)” and (creating a shudder-inducing image that could only appeal to someone who enjoys a day out killing wildlife) rooms promise a “deep, mural-coated tub winking at you back at base, as you peel off those sweaty plus fours.”


Information sourced by Protect the Wild

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