Location: Oxfordshire,

Business type: Services

Business website: www.oliviapile.co.uk/

Date listed: December 8, 2024

Oxfordshire’s Olivia Pile “started hunting as a teenager with the VWH [Vale of White Horse Hunt], but life got in the way and I moved and so didn’t get to hunt for a while. Now I hunt with the Old Berks Hunt, in Oxfordshire. I try to hunt as often as I can, always taking a camera with me.” This website is bulging with (often talented) painters and photographers who never seem to look further than what’s in front of them and appear happy to define ‘hunting’ as red coats, horses, and hounds – while never painting or photographing (or even seeing?) the fox killing that we all know takes place when hunts go into the field. That may be why she is linked in the footer of the Old Berks Hunt website alongside the Countryside Alliance. Ms Pile does though acknowledge that birds die when shot, as the thumbnails of her password-protected shooting galleries appear to demonstrate…


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