Need a website designed? You could always try web designer and SEO specialist Nico Morgan. Sidelining as an ‘equine photographer’ Mr Morgan also does a brisk business with the hunting community. According to his website (under Hunting Photography) he was, in the 2000s, “asked by a number of hunts in the traditional “shire” to provide their followers with hunting photography”. He continues to provide them with images such as hunt rides and point-to-points for their calendars, websites and activities. He has been regularly commissioned by “the UK’s most famous rural magazine to cover all manner of hunting photography and field sports” and has “become synonymous with hunting photography in the UK”. Mr Morgan also says “Some hunting photo galleries are not publicly available due to the continued theft of images by anti-hunt organisations.” Breaking the law is of course not something we condone, as frequent articles about breaches of the Hunting Act attest…
Nico Morgan Photography (Leics)
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