Location: Malpas, Cheshire,  SY14 7NQ

Business type: Venue

Date listed: October 28, 2024

Part of the Daresbury Estates, Manor Farm is owned by Peter Greenall (Lord Daresbury), who is associated primarily with horseracing, notably as the chairman of Aintree Racecourse from 1989 to 2014. Horse racing and hunting (and Lord Daresbury) are closely intertwined, and Manor Farm is a regular meet of the notorious Wynnstay Hunt. At the Wynnstay Hunt’s opening meet in October 2024, Cheshire Borderland Monitors reported that after leaving Manor Farm the hunt chased a fox and a hound was hit on the road by a car. An ideal location for a ‘break’, indeed…The attached image shows the Wynnstay’s Huntsman and Whip leaving the car parking area. Greenall became a Director of the pro-hunting lobby group Countryside Alliance (CA) in 2020. At the time the CA noted that he had been “Master of the Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn’s Hunt [the Wynnstay] for 29 seasons, and was Chairman of the Masters of Foxhounds Association from 1999 to 2005”. He is also a close supporter of former MP Simon Hart, who is himself a former chair of the CA. (*Please note that Manor Farm, Egerton, also in Cheshire, has no connections with the Wynnstay or with hunting whatsoever.)

Links to further information


Information provided by a supporter, image credit Cheshire Borderland Monitors (thank you)

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