“One of the finest medieval ruins in England. Set in the glorious bustling market town of Ludlow, the castle has superb views over the Shropshire countryside…Walk through the Castle grounds and explore the ancient lodgings of kings, queens, princes, judges and the nobility – a glimpse into the lifestyle of medieval and Tudor society.” That last sentence is unintentionally pertinent, because (for reasons the Castle can perhaps best explain) the Castle hosts the Boxing Day meet of the Ludlow Hunt. More than that, the master, the horses and the hounds congregate inside the castle before moving on to the town square – the public (those of us the castle see as less ‘noble’ perhaps) have to wait outside. A curiously old-fashioned form of privilege that hunts most certainly do not deserve. The Castle excuses their largesse by clinging to the claim that they don’t ‘condone any illegal activity’ and are ‘assured the activity remains within the law’. While on Castle grounds the hunt will presumably do its best not to kill anything, but while offering a glimpse “into the lifestyle of medieval and Tudor society” is within the Castle’s remit, promoting a hunt in the 21st century really should not be. As Action Against Foxhunting concisely puts it, “When the Meet is about to start, the other redcoats ride their horses into the Castle, collect the hounds, and sweep out through the Castle gate, horn tootling etc. The Castle provides the backdrop, and the pageantry for the hunt’s entrance to the meet. Whatever the Castle says, they are most definitely involved.”
Ludlow Castle (Shrops)
Links to further information
- Action Against Foxhunting: Ludlow Castle and the Boxing Day Meet
Information and image provided by Action Against Foxhunting (thank you)
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