Location: Penrith, Cumbria, CA11 8HP

Business type: Retailer

Business website: www.johnnorris.co.uk/

Date listed: October 27, 2024

John Norris looks to all intents and purposes much like every other retailer selling clothing that anyone going outside might be interested in, but potential customers might take note that they have a specific audience in mind:  “John Norris of Penrith has been the Home Of Country Sports for more than 50 years, specialising in fly fishing, shooting, country clothing, footwear and pet accessories.” There are so many retailers claiming to be ‘homes’ of country sports (almost as many as Scottish hotels claiming to be the most comfortable, best placed etc for shooters) that the term has lost any meaning, but the shop is clearly working to grab a slice of shooting’s admittedly lucrative pie by, for example, selling hiking boots under the banner of “John Norris JSN Pro Boots are expertly crafted for the serious hunter, whether you’re pursuing grouse on the moors, pheasants or partridges in the fields, or stalking deer in the hills.” John Norris recommends using mink oil – an oil derived from the fat under mink skin and provided by the fur industry – to keep the JSN Pro Boots supple and waterproof…


Information provided by David Stevens (thank you)

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Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.