Winner of ‘The Good Shoot Hotel Awards 2023’ the Jack Russell Inn (according to Gemma Jones, account manager at shooting website GunsOnPegs) is “a delightful country pub located on the Faccombe Estate, between Newbury and Andover. You could not produce a better pub for a team of guns if you tried. The 11 rooms, all of which are named after different breeds of dog, are located in a square courtyard with an incredibly smart firepit and outdoor seating area at one end.” The Jack Russell website (with a knowing wink to its gun-toting clientele?) features the Dog House which has ‘eleven stunning bedrooms’, a ‘beautiful private dining space’ and ‘…for those enjoying the countryside whilst staying there is a heated drying room for everyone’s gear’. ‘Enjoying the countryside’ by shooting dead the birds found in it presumably…
Jack Russell Inn (Hants)
Information sourced by Protect the Wild
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