Location: Cranleigh, Surrey,

Business type: Services

Business website: www.facebook.com/issygurneyphotography/

Date listed: September 29, 2024

Yet another skilled photographer with a deep love of horses and dogs. This (as we have found repeatedly on this site) typically translates as support for hunting of course, and Ms Gurney is no different. Her Facebook page is scattered with hunting images, and her one ‘like’ is the British Hounds Sports Association (BHSA). Her one and only reel is promoting ‘Smokescreen Saturday’, the BHSA’s failed attempt to persuade us all that hunts are no longer killing foxes – despite, to give just two examples, the release by the Hunt Saboteurs Association a few days before of video of the Axe Vale Harriers digging out a fox from a badger sett and Protect the Wild’s Hunting Report 2024 which collates hundreds of incidents recorded at hunt meets by sabs and monitors.

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