Location: Greno Woods, South Yorkshire, S35 8NA

Business type: Services

Business website: www.howlbushcraft.com/

Date listed: December 5, 2024

“The aim of HowlBushcraft is to provide the elementary skills needed to spend time outdoors without the clutter of modern gadgets and gear. We look to nature to provide what we need, and the skill of our hands to craft it. We practice a high level of respect for the natural world, and always instill our sessions with the leave no trace ethos.” Howl sounds great. They teach fire lighting skills, Living with Nature, Moccasin making, Snowshoe Making – the list goes on. Under ‘What will we be eating?’ in the FAQs they even say “No animal will be killed during the courses” – surely suitable for every pro-wildlife client then? Wait a moment, Howl are Trade Members of BASC, the shooting lobbyists, and offer Hunting courses with one reviewer noting, “I didn’t anticipate when I booked this course was how good the food would be…We had venison stew, a full cooked breakfast, pigeon fajitas, rabbit tom yum, bannock bread with maple syrup and partridge kebabs…” Hmm, respect for the natural world includes eating it (and ‘partridge kebabs’ will either mean non-native introduced Red-leggeds released by the shooting industry or Greys which are Red listed as birds of conservation concern)? Caveat emptor as always…


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Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.