Location: Hook Norton, Oxfordshire, OX15 5DG

Business type: Services

Business website: www.hooknortonvets.co.uk/

Date listed: August 19, 2024

Hook Norton Veterinary Group is “a proudly independent veterinary practice, providing a professional and modern small animal, equine and farm vet service with traditional values in an approachable and compassionate manner.” They also sponsored the May 2024 Grafton Hunt Point-to-point, a fundraiser for the Hunt. The Northants-based Grafton Hunt is quite overt about its hunting, making clear that they ‘trail hunt’ only because of the Hunting Act and lay trails “to emulate as closely as possible coverts likely to be visited and lines likely to be taken by real foxes.” A former Director of Hook Norton resigned after nine years as a Director of the Warwickshire Hunt in 2019, so it seems unlikely that the current team are not aware of what hunting in its current form is all about…


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