Location: Holkham, Norfolk, NR23 1AB

Business type: Venue

Business website: www.holkham.co.uk/

Date listed: January 27, 2025

Owned by the Coke family (of pro-shooting lobby group Save our Songbirds notoriety) and using multiple images of deer herds to help push its suitability as a wedding venue and Park Run course, while proudly claiming conservation credentials for its work on Grey Partridge, Holkham Hall and Estate hosted the West Norfolk Foxhounds Boxing Day meet in December 2024 and hosted the Waveney and Norfolk Harriers New Years Day meet in January 2025 – neither event, curiously, is mentioned on their website. Local Sabs told us that “Holkham Hall use the estate in a number of different ways to generate income from the public, including deer tours, yet are inviting in packs of hounds who illegally chase and kill deer (we’ve evidenced both packs doing so). Holkham also host shoots and regularly host the ‘royal family’ for private shooting.” This part of north Norfolk does indeed host spectacular wildlife – including large numbers of wild geese – but clearly neither birds nor mammals are held in the high esteem that so many of us would hope for…


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