“A peaceful, rural, converted dairy set in the tranquil surroundings of the Sussex countryside…Escape to the countryside and immerse yourself in the rural peace and tranquillity of this converted dairy, with its own private enclosed garden and welcoming inglenook fireplace.” Henley Bridge Holiday Cottage is yours for a very reasonable £405/week (as of October 2024 anyway). The owner, Tania Stapley of Roytan Gundogs, has plenty of suggestions of things to do locally, but surprisingly doesn’t mention the opportunity for a chat about training – well, gundogs. She must have plenty of interesting shooting tales as she was a Kennel Club Assured breeder, producing – before her recent retirement – a staggering 85 litters of labradors and Hungarian Vizslas (“Bred for hunting fur and feather, pointing and retrieving from land and water” according to the Kennel Club). She can even train dogs for hunting if you take one of her courses. Cars carrying shooters down the narrow lane to the cottage for her courses can make access quite tricky, apparently, aomething potential renters might like to explore with her…Oh, and take note, no pets are allowed which seems a touch ironic…
Henley Bridge Holiday Cottage (Sussex)
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