Location: Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN10 4BA

Business type: Venue

Business website: www.thehaxeygate.co.uk/

Date listed: July 31, 2024

The Haxey Gate Inn says on its website “Sitting by the waters edge [sic], The Haxey Gate is a welcome retreat for all including walkers, boaters, campers and cyclists.” That’s probably when the hunt isn’t enjoying the largesse of the place, for as reported by Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs, “Today the Haxey Gate Inn were happy to host the Grove and Rufford hunt, serial fox killers and law breakers. With all 7 riders and the usual handful of hangers on.” Actually with a ‘field’ that small perhaps there’s room for walkers etc as well – providing they don’t mind sharing the riverside with a fox hunt, that is…

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