Location: Bourton-on-the-Water , Gloucestershire , GL54 2HN

Business type: Retailer

Business website: hawkstone.com/

Date listed: August 2, 2024

Over the top of a photo of motormouth celebrity Jeremy Clarkson, Hawkstone says it is “the perfect blend of barley, belligerence and outright brewing skill”. Hawkstone lager was created by said Jeremy Clarkson using ingredients grown at his Diddly Squat Farm in Chipping Norton (Oxfordshire) but brewed by the (formerly named) Cotswold Brewing Co in Bourton-on-the-Water. Mr Clarkson is a noted supporter of hunting, allowing the Heythrop Hunt on his land and sponsoring their point-to-point, and has expressed (in mocking terms) his dislike of badgers.


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