Location: Sedgefield, County Durham, TS21 2EH

Business type: Venue

Business website: hardwickhallhotel.co.uk/

Date listed: February 1, 2025

“A four-star rated, award-winning hotel…Surrounded by the stunning Hardwick Country Park, our hotel is steeped in charm…one of the most popular and unique wedding venues in the North East.” Which sounds fine, but – oddly – nowhere on the Hardwick Hall website is it noted that the kennels of the South Durham Hunt are on the Hall’s grounds (just 700m from the Hotel) or that the Hall regularly hosts the South Durham – just as it did on New Years Day 2025, as reported by North East Hunt Monitors. Maybe hotels are increasingly realising that even if their owners support hunting, potential customers typically don’t and may well go somewhere else if they find out…

Links to further information


Information and image provided by North East Hunt Monitors (thank you).

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