Now owned and operated by the National Trust, in 1986 Studley Royal Park, including the ruins of Fountains Abbey, became one of the first places in the UK to be named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. World Heritage Sites are “made up of sites across the world which have great cultural and/or natural value and need to be treasured and maintained for future generations.” These include Machu Picchu, the Great Wall of China, the natural wonder of Giant’s Causeway and the pyramid fields from Giza to Dashur. How many of these other prestigious locations have their own pheasant shoot though? That’s right, at the heart of a National Trust-operated UNESCO site sits Studley Royal Shoot which “provides an unparalleled sporting experience steeped in gameshooting history.” The National Trust go to great lengths to explain that they can do nothing about the shooting rights and that the freeholder “has the right to shoot anywhere on the estate including the abbey and water gardens.” One law for them etc etc
Fountains Abbey (N Yorks)
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