“Exton Estate is a large rural Estate located in the heart of the picturesque county of Rutland…The core of the business is centred around farming, forestry, residential properties, commercial properties as well as venues for events and weddings with marquee receptions…the perfect wedding venue in Rutland for Weddings…” Rutland is also home to the notorious Cottesmore Hunt (which featured in many Protect the Wild posts in 2024), and almost inevitably Exton Park hosted a ‘fun ride’ for the Cottesmore in July 2024 (which was demoed by Northants Hunt Sabs) and the Boxing Day meet of the Cottesmore in 2023. Exton also has its own Shoot: “undulating ground, ancient woodlands and high hedges together with tried and tested game cover placement combine to produce memorable and challenging pheasants and partridges.” The rather telling image (attached) nails any claim that killing intensively reared birds is a ‘sport’ for anyone other than white men…
Exton Park (Rutland)
Links to further information
- Lincs Live: Cottesmore Hunt meets at Exton Park and Fitzwilliam Milton Hunt gathers in Stilton on Boxing Day (December 2023)
- Protect the Wild: Cottesmore Hunt’s hired thugs attack hunt sabs (January 2024)
- Protect the Wild: Cottesmore Hunt’s masked thugs arrested (March 2024)
- Northants Hunt Sabs: Cottesmore Hunt ‘Fun ride’ demonstration (Facebook July 2024)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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