Location: North Ferriby, East Yorkshire, HU14 3JJ

Business type: Retailer

Business website: eastridingchristmastrees.co.uk/

Date listed: December 10, 2024

“East Riding Christmas Trees is part of a family run farming business that has been based in North Ferriby for four generations. Come and see what we have to offer…” The ‘family’ in the family run business are the Richardsons, well-known to Hull Wildlife Protectors (HWP) for their connections with the Holderness Hunt – a hunt which has featured in several Protect the Wild articles written with the help of HWP  eg Holderness Hunt kills fox in front of monitors, police take ‘no further action” and ‘Holderness Hunt kill badger – and run away‘. Harry Richardson took exception to a Facebook post by HWP in December 2024 which joined the dots between the Christmas tree business and the Holderness, but he is a Director of East Riding Christmas Trees Limited and has often been recorded by HWP riding with the Holderness along with his sister and mother Emma Richardson. Mrs Richardson herself (whose maiden name is Holtby, a family that has been involved in the Holderness Hunt since at least the 1980s) lives at the same address that the tree business is registered at and has been Hunt Secretary of the Holderness Hunt for decades (she is also listed on Companies House as the Secretary of something called HH Yorkshire, which also has William Bethell, notorious Senior Master of the Holderness Hunt, as a Director). It’s hard to argue, then, that the family that owns East Riding Christmas Trees does NOT also support hunting with hounds…

Links to further information


Information and image provided by Hull Wildlife Protectors (thank you)

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Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.