“Wales’ only dedicated Shire Horse Farm visitor attraction! Based in Pembrokeshire’s Coastal National Park!” The homepage for the Shires website is still showing ‘Our campsite is now taking bookings for 2024’ (!) but according to a rather misleading post on the Tivyside Hunt’s social media, the farm was very much up and running in October 2024 when it welcomed the hunt to an ‘opening meet supper’. Misleading? The image used with the post seems to be trying to suggest that young people enthusiastically support the hunt – the reality is that very few people of any age support hunting, and the image comes from a YouTube video published four years previously called “Sound Effects – Dinner Party Ambience“…cheeky, eh.
Dyfed Shire Horse Farm & Campsite (Pembrokes)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you). Screenshot considered ‘fair use’.
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