On its website, Darbishire Sporting Agency says (but which agency doesn’t?) they organise”the best luxury shooting and fishing trips globally. With a wealth of expertise, we arrange every detail so that your experience is not only special, but hassle-free too…because after all, these are the days you look forward to the most.” Quite an insight into the mindset of shooters and hunters who are offered “the sport of kings” on shoots killing birds across the UK and ‘wing shooting’ where clients can shoot (without bag limits) birds they may well know absolutely nothing about “in locations exclusive to us. These include South Africa on the formidable rock pigeon, the high-volume dove hunting mecca of Argentina to ptarmigan in Iceland.” Their section on Sustainability is a breathtaking masterclass in how shooting greenwashes itself …
Darbishire Sporting Agency (Online)
Information sourced by Protect the Wild
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