Location: Cresswell Quay, Pembrokeshire, SA68 0TE

Business type: Venue

Business website: cresselly.com/

Date listed: September 28, 2024

“A traditional pub in an awesome location right next to a small quay, walking Inside the pub has said [sic] to be like stepping back in time…” Stepping back in time makes it a suitable venue for a hunt then. The Cresselley Hunt (formerly known as the South Pembrokeshire) have their kennels close by and have traditionally met at the Arms on Boxing Day before going off to hunt this westernmost part of South Wales.


Information provided by a supporter (thank you). Screenshot considered ‘fair use’.

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Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.