“Sooner or later, the time comes for everyone to experience Scotland. Whether to tread the land of your forefathers, trace the threads of British history, or follow in the footsteps of the golfing greats.” Or kill wildlife. Craigsanquhar doesn’t hide the fact that what it offers is shooting. It’s all over the homepage, in the Menu, and in the proud claim that “Craigsanquhar Estate is an Orvis Endorsed Wingshooting Lodge”. The shooting pages on the website – with pages explaining shooting terms and ‘etiquette’ (a laughable concept) seem aimed primarily at novices or the downright ignorant. The page of so-called ‘game birds’ – birds to the rest of us – is especially galling, describing wild birds and non-natives alike in terms of ‘quarry’, ‘marks’ and ‘couples’. Everything about the Craigsanquhar shooting pages just reinforces the fact that somehow the shooting industry has normalised the killing of wildlife and uses language to keep the deaths of birds as far removed from the reality as possible. Time and time again we have proved this on this website, and Scotland’s role in this ‘normalisation’ should make every wildlife-loving Scot enraged…
Craigsanquhar Estate (Fife)
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