A regular haunt of shooting YouTuber Dave Carrie and part of the Floors Castle/Roxburghe Estate, Atlas Sporting (a ‘service’ we’ve already listed on this site) quotes some of the most florid and ridiculously hyperbolic language we have ever come across to describe the Calroust Shoot in the Cheviot Hills. “The recently acquired ‘Calroust’ beat of the Roxburghe Estates offers an enchanting setting for shooting enthusiasts. With its steep valleys and the gentle tread of the Cheviot Hills, it provides an ideal backdrop to showcase a delightful blend of exquisitely presented pheasants and a sprinkling of agile, ascending red-legged partridges. It is indeed a captivating location to spend a day immersed in the beauty of the countryside.” We are frequently staggered by the language the shooting industry uses to sell a day out slaughtering introduced, intensively-reared birds and making the sort of noise that would have local authorities writing strong letters, but the blend of advertising-speak and sheer entitled unawareness means this paragraph could be used by pro-wildlife activists to denigrate the industry for years to come…
Calroust Shoot (Roxburghshire)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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