“Dedicated to supporting the local farming community…The Bricklayers Arms is the centre of the Little Bentley Village community and is frequently host to many village events including the popular Morris Dancers, the annual Fireworks display etc., etc.” For some reason the owners neglect to mention their hosting of and support for fox hunting The staff (or someone else?) certainly showed their fulsome support when the Essex and Suffolk Hunt turned up at the pub in February 2024, bringing out a tray of something warming for the riders and letting them unbox in the car park, as recorded by Suffolk Action for Wildlife on X.
The Bricklayers Arms (Essex)
Links to further information
- Protect the Wild: CONVICTED! Terrierman guilty after terrorising monitors on quad bike (June 2024)
- Protect the Wild: Essex and Suffolk Hunt staff arrested for killing fox (January 2024)
- Protect the Wild: Hunt kills deer and uses ‘falconry exemption’ to hunt illegally (October 2023)
- Protect the Wild: Yet another pet seriously injured by hunting hounds (August 2023)
Information and image provided by Suffolk Action for Wildlife (thank you)
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