According to one rather delirious shooting ‘channel’, “Woodcock shooters are considered among the elite of rough shooters, prepared to travel great distances and at short notice when they hear that ‘the woodcock are in’.” And if they want to know ‘when they’re in’ (and these are birds that are Red listed in the UK as a species of conservation concern after a severe decline in numbers, remember) they often turn to Bob Glynn aka ‘Woodcock Bob’ who disingenuously says he doesn’t know where he got his nickname from – of course he does, it’s because his agency specialises “in Woodcock and other wild birds over 5 in-house shoots, its [sic] taken a lot of hard work to pull together within a 50 mile radius suitable grounds that my clients can enjoy high quality wild game… If you want to hunt Wood pigeon we have a lot of in house grounds in the midlands North Wales and North West of England. We send clients to Morocco, Bulgaria, Crimea, Slovenia, Hungary Croatia,Serbia [sic] for Woodcock Wild Boar dove and pigeon plus quail over pointers.” ‘Woodcock Bob’ is not the nickname we’d give this ‘sporting provider’…Anyway, he doesn’t appear to have his own website and we’ll be damned if we’re going to link to the sites that offer ways to contact him.
Bob Glynn Sporting (Conwy)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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