Location: Upper Broughton, Leicestershire, LE14 3BF

Business type: Services

Business website: www.belvoirequinevets.co.uk/

Date listed: August 26, 2024

Belvoir Equine Veterinary and Dental Services Ltd say they are a “team of forward thinking, understanding Veterinary Surgeons. We have listened to horse owners in the area who would like an independent veterinary practice who provide a top quality service.” That team includes Tom Chatfeild-Roberts, son of renowned point-to-point trainer John. Tom when asked in a 2022 interview what he did when not working stated, “I’m joint-master of the Belvoir [Hunt] and do a lot of hunting – whenever we’re not racing, we’re hunting.” John Chatfeild-Roberts himself said in a 2023 interview with Country Life (and speaking in his role as chairman of the British Sporting Art Trust), “The Belvoir Hunt is close to my heart”.



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