Location: Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, SN4 7DB

Business type: Retailer

Business website: bassettcountrysports.co.uk/

Date listed: August 24, 2024

“A local, independent country sports store based in Wiltshire, we stock a wide range of quality outdoor products, at affordable prices.” Outdoor products like tents, hammocks, picnic sets and the like? No, of course not – like many other retailers the focus is on ‘country sports’, so they sell guns and kit to kill wildlife with. Because nothing says ‘country sports’ like gunfire…


Information provided by a supporter (thank you)

Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.

Listing is to inform choice only. By listing a business we are not suggesting or implying that the business is acting unlawfully. We are not asking for a boycott of the business. If you wish to contact the business please do so politely. We are a non-violent organisation and making threats, intimidating or harassing individuals is never acceptable under any circumstances and may lead to prosecution.