Allendale Estate talks a lot about sustainability on its wesbite. It used to be much more overt about its shooting operation but as of August 2024 all the website says is “The woodlands are managed for amenity, shooting and commercial forestry.” This perhaps follows a 2023 Hunt Investigation Team expose which reported that: “Numerous sachets of a notorious deadly anticoagulant rat poison – Brodifacoum – were found strewn around the pheasant/partridge feeders, with a trail of dead rats, dead raptors and other wildlife in their wake. The poison was all found on fields managed for shooting, around the village of Welton on the Allendale Estate.” The RSPB separately said in 2023 that “the misuse and deliberate abuse of brodifacoum …is now widely recognised as the biggest emerging poisoning threat to wildlife in the UK.”
Allendale Estates (Northumberland)
Links to further information
- HIT YouTube video: Allendale Estate: Indiscriminate poisoning
- Protect the Wild: Poisoning/Poisoned Baits and the Law
Information provided by a supporter (thank you)
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