The Aline Estate ” is an all round sporting estate offering a variety of fieldsports and accommodation in a staggeringly beautiful setting. Situated on the boundary of Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides”. So beautiful in fact that “the area is part of a Scottish National Scenic Area“. Which of course means it is attractive to resident and migrant mammals and birds, which also means people are willing to pay to come and shoot them. National Scenic Area or not, under ‘Shooting Opportunities‘ Aline offers up Red Deer, Red Grouse (“While in recent years we have seen a downturn in the number of grouse across the Island, the walked-up shooting offers an exciting prospect to shoot a brace”), Amber-listed Common Snipe (“Depending on numbers, snipe shooting may be available from late September onwards”), and even Red-listed – ie facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild – Woodcock (“wild birds that migrate to Lewis and Harris in the winter months to enjoy its comparatively mild climate. Each bird often only remains on the island for a few weeks a year”). Note the irony of that last line.
Aline Estate (Lewis)
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