Location: Newnham, Hertfordshire, SG7 5LA

Business type: Services

Business website: www.aewafarr.co.uk/

Date listed: August 22, 2024

AE & WA Farr say they are “a 3rd and 4th generation family run business, with an evolving approach to traditional farming, set in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.” Owners of Newnham Farm, the Farr family, are known for their shooting images on social media, and along with Director Ed Wainwright-Lee, a cousin of the Farrs, has been the subject of a July 2024 Reddit thread asking why the Vegan Camp Out (VCO) 2025 Festival would be held here. Links in the thread point to a photo op of Mr Wainwright-Lee riding with the Puckeridge Hunt: the same thread states (correctly) “Ed’s photo with the Puckeridge [is] from an article about “Autumn Hunting” also known as cubbing where the hounds are trained to kill by targeting young fox cubs as an easy prey.” VCO say that the actual venue of the Camp Out, Bygrave Woods, “has nothing to do with animal activities/chicken farming. There is animal farming much further afield…but not on that land at all. Every single outdoor venue in the country unfortunately is connected with animal agriculture in some way, either as one of the land owners involved with or connected to animal agriculture… or that the land itself is used for animal farming/shooting/hunting etc – Zero outdoor festival venues are vegan, however no animal farming/shooting/hunting is done at this site at all…it’s about as close to being vegan friendly land as you can possibly get for an outdoor festival venue in the UK.” Close, but given the owner is it close enough…?


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