“We design purposeful clothing that’s shaped for women and made for adventure…The outdoors should be accessible; a place where women feel free, safe and confident,” says Kasia Bromley, the ACAI founder who envisaged an outdoor, female-focused brand that supported women to get into nature. We couldn’t agree with that sentiment more, and most of ACAI’s advertising is indeed aimed at selling leisure wear suitable for being in ‘nature’. However, in late December 2024 for the first time (according to the supporter who mailed us) ACAI posted an an image on their Instagram feed that told a different story – a ‘country woman’ holding a dead pheasant by the neck, thereby utilising imagery which clearly belongs to the shooting industry narrative that the ‘countryside’ is all about killing birds or mammals. Shame to see ACAI jumping on such a cruel bandwagon…
ACAI outdoor wear (Flint)
Information provided by a supporter (thank you). Screenshot considered ‘fair use’.
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